BAHN 3.85 trains/trams/streetcars/buses/ships

Welcome to JB BAHN - Simulation of Railway and Streetcar Networks


Last recent changes:

DE Stb 504001 Neustadt(Sachs) 2012


Klaffenbach Wasserschloß (DE), 2010

Chemnitz 801 Zwickauer Str. (2007)
Semaphore signals DR+BR (ani_dkw2.gif)

Here you can get some information about the BAHN simulation software since May, 1997.

The most pictures shown here are screenshots from the BAHN 3.59 to 3.89 versions.
For important news of BAHN 3.89 compared with predecessors see BAHN news.
News on the web site can be found here.

These pages have been tested by FireFox and MSIE. They should work using other browsers too if these support frames and JavaScript 1.0.

Dresden T4DMS+T4D Double traction (ani_str1.gif)

Navigation on these pages:

p_h To the top
p_r About BAHN